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Introducing Gay Emmerson... 


At the age of 82, Gay is not giving up on her passion of art. ​


Gay Emmerson graduated from Canberra School of Art in 1979, and started painting and drawing the Canberra landscape.  The hills and valleys around Canberra are very human- like, eg spines of ranges, bellies and buttocks of hills, and these early impressions of Australian landscape have stayed with her throughout her career.

She moved to Gerringong in 2018, after her fascination with landforms broadened to include seascapes, details of trees, clouds and water.  


Enjoy Gay's fabulous arts on sale til end of October




MAP : 6/45 Rowlins Road, Gerringong




Scan the QR Code alongside the artwork at the venue to purchase artwork/s. The QR code will direct you to the webpage that shows what artwork is available at the venue.

Simply click on the artwork you wish to purchase, pay online using the various payment methods. Sorry no cash transactions.

Show your payment receipt of to Staff and ask them to take artwork off the wall for you.

Thank you for supporting the Expressive Art Wall Trail. We know you will enjoy your new artwork purchase. 

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