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Minnamurra CAFE presents: 
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Introducing Carole Massey - Local Landscape Painter


Carole is a Kiama local landscape artist specialising in rural and ocean landscapes. Her  impressionist/ post impressionist art work is contemporary and colourful.  Her use of dark lines give depth and a sense of journey  through her paintings.  She predominately paints her environment, drawing from the vibrant ever changing seascapes and tranquil pastoral scenes that surround her. All of her colour comes from a limited palette as she mixes all her greens from the same grey base colour.  The richness of her colours also comes from her use of oil paints.


Before coming to live in Kiama in 2018 Carole lived in the Blue Mountains where she painted in a similar style.  It was there that she learnt to use grey as a colour, as it characterises the blue/grey hues of the bush and cliffs so well.


Carole is an active member of Kiama Art Society and paints with her friends and fellow artists on a weekly basis.  She works from a small home studio and at present has a home gallery to  exhibit her work. (open by appointment). She does some teaching and demonstrations and is always happy to accept commissions.




MAP : 1A Rangoon Rd, Minnamurra




If you don't have good reception on your phone, ask staff for the WIFI login... then Scan the QR Code alongside the artwork at the venue to purchase artwork/s. The QR code will direct you to the webpage that shows what artwork is available at the venue.

Simply click on the artwork you wish to purchase, pay online using the various payment methods. Sorry no cash transactions.

Show your payment receipt of to Staff and ask them to take artwork off the wall for you.

Thank you for supporting the Expressive Art Wall Trail. We know you will enjoy your new artwork purchase. 

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